Modern Slavery Statement

Barnsfold Nurseries Limited First Annual Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015


This is our first annual statement to outline the steps we are taking as an organisation to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or the supply chains which serve it. This statement explains what we did in our financial year (FY) ending 31 July 2023 and gives details of our planned actions for our current financial year ending 31 July 2024. We are a nursery business and a wholly owned subsidiary of D.J. Squire &Co limited which is family business. We care genuinely for the welfare of our colleagues, customers and those who work ni our supply chain providing goods or services.

Our Business

Our company is registered in the UK, and we are a grower of bedding plants and perennials located in the Southeast of England. We are therefore governed and regulated by UK law. We do not employ anyone working outside the UK. We take pride in complying with both the letter and the spirit of UK employment law and best practice and seek to encourage healthy working relationships and a culture of openness throughout our business. This approach is backed up by relevant policies, including our whistle-blowing policy.

Our Modern Slavery Policy

Our policy is a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery. It is vital that all our business relationships are conducted ethically, with integrity and transparency. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking are not taking place anywhere within our business or its supply chains.


  • Our Own Employment Practices
    We apply robust recruitment processes and we have up to date policies and procedures in place for all our colleagues which we are committed to promoting and implementing in a fair manner throughout our business. We check that al those we employ have the correct documentation to demonstrate they are legally entitled to work in the UK. Al our staff are paid above the minimum wage and have reached school leaving age. In peak season occasionally some agency assistance may be required ni the nurseries. This is kept to a minimum (10 people in 2023). When we need agency staff, we employ reputable UK employment agencies, and we wil only use agencies where we have seen and read their Anti Modern Slavery policies.

  • Tool Kits and Training
    The directors have al undertaken a ful day training course given by a Stronger2gether tutor ni 2019. Stronger2gether provides training and guidance on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Al employees responsible for recruitment at Barnsfold have undertaken Anti Modern Slavery e learning modules and this wil be cascaded to other employees to raise awareness and so they can spot the signs.

  • Our Supply Chain
    Our supply chain is made up of UK suppliers with some from the EU and EEA. 70% of the sums paid to suppliers are made ot 7key suppliers al of whom are UK or EU companies supplying young plants, compost, pots, trays and labels ect. Director authority would be required for any non-UK/EU/EEA supplier.
    Over the coming year we shall be checking the anti-modern slavery policies of our key 7 suppliers who make up 70% of our supplier spend. We expect our suppliers of goods or services to accept our code of conduct or be able to demonstrate equally robust policies and procedures in their own business.

We shall continue to measure our progress and effectiveness going forward and continue to raise awareness of the risks amongst members of our team and our suppliers.

Approved by the Board of Directors on 12 January 2024
